Elective Application Process
Students Studying at International Schools
International Medical Student electives are offered from September to May only
- Students must be enrolled in the final year of medical studies at the time of the elective.
- All elective requests must be made directly to the Department of Medical Education.
- Direct contact with a department does not constitute acceptance of the elective.
- Requests must be received in writing at least three months in advance.
- Request must include a list of personal education objectives and if applicable the education objectives as set down by your university.
- If we are able to accommodate this elective, you will be required to complete a formal application through Dalhousie University before final approval is granted.
We offer no remuneration or financial aid for electives
For more information, please contact:
Megan Dow
Clinical Clerk Coordinator
Tel: (506) 648-6595
Fax: (506) 648-6833
Email: Megan.dow@HorizonNB.ca